Creativity and Religiosity as a Problem of Philosophy of Russian Culture (Review on the book by Olga A. Zhukova “Creativity and Religiosity in Russian Culture. Philosophical Studies”. Moscow: Soglasie Publ., 2022. 594 p.)


  • Nikolai A. Khrenov State Institute of Art Studies. 5 Kozitsky Lane, Moscow, 125375, Russian Federation



Russian thought, philosophy of Russian history, historical dynamics of Russian culture, creativity, religious experience, spiritual and social ideal


This review presents an analysis of the fundamental work “Creativity and religiosity in Russian culture. Philosophical Research” was written by the Russian philosopher and cultural scientist O.A. Zhukova who has been fruitfully researching the history of Russian culture and national thought for many years. The new book is the third part of a trilogy devoted to discussing the line of succession in Russian cultural and intellectual history, which is characterized by a religious understanding of creativity. The author formulates important theoretical positions, as well as methodological approaches to the study in philosophy of Russian culture and history. The large scale work is highlighted by the original interpretation of the plots considered in it. In the book, O.A. Zhukova develops the thesis about the ideal-centering of Russian culture, she offers a philosophical-culturological model of the historical dynamics of Russian culture. The basis of this model is the creative experience of a personality.







How to Cite

Khrenov, N. (2024). Creativity and Religiosity as a Problem of Philosophy of Russian Culture (Review on the book by Olga A. Zhukova “Creativity and Religiosity in Russian Culture. Philosophical Studies”. Moscow: Soglasie Publ., 2022. 594 p.). History of Philosophy, 29(1).