The Domestic Historiography of Russian Philosophy at the Turn of the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects On A. Deblasio’s «The End of Russian Philosophy. Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century»


  • Vladimir Sidorin Institute of Philosophy. Russian Academy of Sciences. 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation


Russian philosophy, history of philosophy, nationalist narrative, conservative historiography, universal conception of philosophy


The review analyzes A. DeBlasio’s “The End of Russian Philosophy. Tradition and Transition at
the Turn of the 21st Century” and examines the main theses of the author: the supposed historicophilosophical character of the so-called “philosophical boom” of the 1990-s; the exhaustion of
“the nationalist narrative”, which was directed to identifying the distinguishing features of Russian
philosophy; the universal conception of philosophy as a science without any national and cultural
specificity; the crisis of the conservative approach in the historiography of Russian philosophy. The
conservative historiographic approach, criticized by A. DeBlasio, is compared with the western
histories of Russian philosophy. This analysis allows to conclude that in certain cases the author’s
argumentation seems to be unconvincing. Critical assessment is also given to the author’s attempt to
examine the complicated, many-sided and intricate sociocultural situation by means of simplifying
binary oppositions.







How to Cite

Sidorin, V. (2019). The Domestic Historiography of Russian Philosophy at the Turn of the 21st Century: Problems and Prospects On A. Deblasio’s «The End of Russian Philosophy. Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century». History of Philosophy, 21(1), 160-167.