Buddhist Influence on Taoist Thought in the Late Medieval China: Introduction, Commentary, Translation of the First Chapter of the Txt “Lun men xin fa” (“The Law of the Heart/Mind [According to Tradition] Longmen”)

Предисловие, перевод 1-й главы текста, примечания П.Д. Ленкова


  • Pavel Lenkov РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена. 191186, Российская Федерация, г. Санкт-Петербург, наб. р. Мойки, д. 48


Taoism, Buddhism, Quan Zhen Jiao (The Doctrine of the Perfect Truth), “Long men xin fa”


This contribution includes an introduction to and an annotated translation of the first chapter of the
text “The Law of the Heart/Mind [According to Tradition] Longmen”. This text sets out the views of
Kongyang-zi (Wang Changyue), mentor of the Taoist school Quan Zhen Jiao. Wang Changyue was a
prominent teacher and theoretician, his activities brought about the revival of the Longmen tradition
and Quan Zhen Jiao school as a whole. The introduction examines the terminology used in the first
chapter of “Long men xin fa”. Along with Taoist terms in the text we find Buddhist and Confucian
ones, which is very typical of late-Taoist syncretic ideology. In this case, it is the terminology related
with the doctrine of the “Three Jewels”, borrowed from Buddhism.







How to Cite

Buddhist Influence on Taoist Thought in the Late Medieval China: Introduction, Commentary, Translation of the First Chapter of the Txt “Lun men xin fa” (“The Law of the Heart/Mind [According to Tradition] Longmen”): Предисловие, перевод 1-й главы текста, примечания П.Д. Ленкова (P. Lenkov , Trans.). (2019). History of Philosophy, 20(2), 12-21. https://hp.iphras.ru/article/view/3141