The Philosophical Androgynes
Sophian momentum, female creativity, Ecumenical Christianity, love and love, “Church” Dionysus, demonic, Gnosticism, anthroposophy, Christianity, neo-paganismAbstract
The Silver age was marked by a specific philosophical co-creation of men and women, which
the author calls, remembering a myth from Plato’s dialogue “Feast”, philosophical androgenism.
This paradigm was defined already in the 19th century by Vl. Soloviev and A. Schmidt, who
independently from each other developed the doctrine of the Church-Sophia, being the first in the
line of philosophical androgynies. “Philosophical Church” by D. Merezhkovsky and Z. Gippius;
the phenomenon of the tower of Vyach. L. Ivanov and Zinovieva-Annibal; an esoteric interpretation
of the image of St. Seraphim of Sarov, offered by M. Voloshin and M. Sabashnikova; the memoir
image of R. Steiner, presented from the two points of view of Andrei Bely and A. Turgeneva: these
are the “philosophical androgynous” to be comprehended in the work.