The Polemics with Jainism on Ātman in “Tattvasaṃgraha” of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary “Pañjikā” of Kamalaśīla


  • Lev I. Titlin Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences. 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation


ātman, anātman, jīva, states of consciousness, Tattvasaṃgraha, Śāntarakṣita, substance, subject, self, Jainism


The subject of the study is the polemics between the philosophical school of Jainism (the Digam­bara current) and Buddhism on ātman (spiritual subject, self) as it is given in the chapter “The Study of the Ātman, as it is set with the Digambars” of the section “Ātmaparīkshā” (lit. “The Study of the Ātman”) of “Tattvasaṃgraha” of Śāntarakṣita (8th century) with the commentary “Pañjikā” of his direct disciple Kamalaśīla (8th century). The article provides brief information about the authors of the text, on Jainism, its philosophical statements. The article is accompanied by the first transla­tion of the chapter from Sanskrit into Russian. The study is based on author’s own translation from Sanskrit, based on the publication of S.D. Shastri, as well as the only available translation of the text into English by G. Jha. The main conclusion is the assumption that the Buddhists in the text in ques­tion are trying to proceed from generally accepted logic, from the law of non-contradiction, while the Jains, obviously, are guided by other philosophical logic in which such a law does not apply.






How to Cite

The Polemics with Jainism on Ātman in “Tattvasaṃgraha” of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary “Pañjikā” of Kamalaśīla (L. I. Titlin , Trans.). (2020). History of Philosophy, 25(2), 121-138.